Welcome to Room #112

Welcome to Kindergarten!  I'm Larry Bogolub (aka Mr. "B") and am glad you are here!  I graduated from Macalester College in 1982 and got my Masters Degree from the University of St. Thomas in 1997.  I have been teaching for the Minneapolis Public Schools since 1996, and  have been teaching kindergarten at Northrop since 2006.  I love it!  I am married and have two very active, grown sons that still keep me  busy!  When I am not teaching at Northrop, I like to go kayaking, fishing,  and reading.

I want students to love coming to Northrop.  This year, we are working on learning the sounds and letters of the alphabet, sight words, and journal writing.  My goal is to get every student reading by the time they graduate from kindergarten in June.  We  also practice counting to 100, learn how to read a calendar, and make a variety of patterns.  Students will also learn to care for the environment via numerous walking field trips to Minnehaha Creek and classroom lessons.  Recently, we had lessons on recycling, pill bugs & sow bugs, the four season, and making our own maple syrup.   

The highlight of our classroom is our spring environmental play, Dabble Dip.  We also are incorporating art and music

Feel free to contact me.  E-Mail: larry.bogolub@mpls.k12.mn.us  

You are welcome to visit my classroom anytime.

Thank you for your time.



Larry Bogolub/Mr."B"

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