I am SO excited to learn and grow with you this year! Even though, this year will look, sound, feel a little different than we are used to, we can be our best selves to make this year a fabulous and fun year of learning and working together :)
TUESDAY SEPT. 8th- First Day of School!
At 9:10 AM, please join Ms. Olson and the class on Google Meets using classroom code- olson101
Hello Wonderful Families of Room 101,
I'm so excited for our year together. Email is going to be our best way to communicate and to stay updated. Feel free to roam around our website to get an idea of what material we willbe covering this year.
We will also be using-
Google Meets- For LIVE whole class lessons, whole class meetings, small group learning/support, 1:1 support
Seesaw- for student assignments/work, teacher/parent feedback on student work, announcements regarding daily schedule or classroom assignments
Clever- one stop shop for students to access Seesaw, Gmail, Dreambox, Lexia and many more resouces that we will be using this year.
Gmail- student/teacher private communication tool
Please as always, reach out if you have any questions, concerns, or need ANYTHING. I am available via email, text, or call (612-888-4714)
Please let your child know that I will miss them greatly during this time apart!
Be safe, Be well, Namaste,
- Ms. Olson
Please encourage your child to login to Dreambox at least 60 minutes a week. You can access Dreambox via Clever.
Please encourage your child to login to Lexia at least 60 minutes a week. You can access Lexia via Clever.
Stay tuned for lessons/activities during "Distance Learning"
In the meantime, if you would like to do lessons at home, click here for engaging lessons you can teach at home.
In addition to Math and Reading packets and online learning, your scholar can practice...
Ms. Meenk's Virtual Classroom (click to join google meet)
Ms. Whiting's Virtual Classroom (click to join google meet)
Mr. Erlandson's Virtual Classroom (click to join google meet)
Ms. Sookdeo's Virtual Classroom (click to join google meet)
Please feel free to contact me at anytime! I have an open door policy, and welcome email, phone calls, text messeges or even in person conversations, whenever you have any questions, comments, or concerns!
Email: alexandra.olson@mpls.k12.mn.us
School: 612-668-4520
Google Voice Cell: 612-888-4714 (call or text)
Location: Room 101
At Northrop Community School, we believe in bringing out the best in each other. The Northrop Wood Ducks S.O.A.R. when they are…
Achieving goals