Family Emergency Planning Help

Every family should plan for emergencies that could affect home, school and work routines. The American Red Cross suggests that every family should review and practice its emergency plan at least twice a year.  The following web sites provide valuable information for emergency preparedness:


Here are some links for helpful emergency preparedness planning:


The American Red Cross

The American Red Cross has helpful information about Family Disaster Planning at,1082,0_239_,00.html


The Centers for Disease Control (CDC)


Taking preparedness actions helps people deal with disasters of all sorts much more effectively when they occur.  To help, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Red Cross have teamed up to answer common questions and provide step by step guidance you can take now to protect you and your loved ones.

CDC hotline: 1.800.CDC.INFO, is available in English and Spanish, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week



FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)

This site provides valuable information on emergence preparedness.


FEMA has a special section on its website for children:  
This section tells children what to do in a national security emergency or terrorism event.  


Minnesota Department of Health

Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery

Are you prepared for a health emergency? Learn more about what you can do, what MDH will be doing, and what health professionals across Minnesota are doing to prepare, respond and recover from health emergencies.


The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

The mission of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network is to raise the standard of care and improve access to services for traumatized children, their families and communities throughout the Unites States.



The Center for Mental Health Services

CMHS is the Federal agency within the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) that leads national efforts to improve prevention and mental health treatment services for all Americans. CMHS pursues its mission by helping States improve and increase the quality and range of treatment, rehabilitation, and support services for people with mental health problems, their families, and communities.
