Northrop Yearbook
The Northrop Yearbook Committee needs your photos! When we assemble our book, it's your shots of events, field trips, and classroom activities that show the heart of our school. If you're interested in joining the Northrop Yearbook Committee, please reach out to us.  Thanks.
Share your best images throughout the year with and include:
  • Teacher's name or grade
  • Name of the event or field trip
We need photos from events such as:
  • Rally Around Northrop
  • Walk-a-thon
  • 4th grade camping trip
  • Fall dinner
  • Fall dance
  • I love to read night
  • Northrop Night Out
  • Plant sale
  • Field day  
  • Any classroom field trip
Photos of events that happen after the book goes to print are included in the following year's book. If you have photos from last year (2019-20) of events after March 15, please share them with a note about when they were taken.

Final submission deadline is March 2021. But please don't wait, we work on the book all year.

Thank you for helping us capture a year in the life of our incredible Northrop family!

